Weitere Veranstaltungen
HORIZON Europe - Events:
ERC (European Research Council):
BMBF EU-Büro - Aktuelles zum ERC
ERC - Events
ISERD - News und Events
EIC Transition:
BMBF EU-Büro - EIC Transition
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions:
Europäische Kommission - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Events
Research Infrastructures:
European Commission - Research Infrastructures
ICT: information and communication technology
Europäische Kommission - Events zu Shaping Europe's digital future
Nationale Kontaktstelle DIT - Events
Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing & Processing, and Biotechnology:
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
ISERD - Events
Nationale Kontaktstelle DIT - Events
Digital, Industry and Space:
Innovation in SMEs:
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
ISERD - SME Events
Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing:
Nationale Kontaktstelle Gesundheit - Veranstaltungen
ISERD - Health Events
Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Maritime and Martime Inland Water Research and Bio-Economy:
Nationale Kontaktstelle Gesundheit - Veranstaltungen
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
ISERD - Food Security Events
Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy:
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
ISERD - Events and News
Nationale Kontaktstelle Energie - Termine
TRIMIS - Events und News
Nationale Kontaktstelle Klima, Energie, Mobilität - Termine
ISERD - Transport Events
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
ISERD - Climate Action Events
Europe in a Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies:
ISERD - Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies Events
Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe
Nationale Kontaktstelle Kultur, Kreativität und inklusive Gesellschaft - Veranstaltungen
Secure Societies Protecting Freedom and Security of Europe and its Citizens:
ISERD - Events und News
Science with and for Society:
ISERD - Events und News
EU-Büro - Veranstaltungskalender
European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Events
COST - Events