European Regions Research and Innovation Network


1. What is ERRIN?

2. What are ERRIN\'s aims?

3. Working Groups

4. Make Use of ERRIN!


1. What Is ERRIN?        

Founded in 2001 as an informal network, ERRIN is now an established Brussels-based platform, consisting of more than 130 regional stakeholder organizations from 24 European countries, most of which are represented by Brussels offices. Our members are mainly regional authorities, universities, research organizations, chambers of commerce and clusters. They determine the agenda and priorities of the entire network by playing an active role in the working groups or on the board.

In 13 working groups, ERRIN works in a very comprehensive way with research and innovation to promote collaborative approaches for the close collaboration and relevance of regional innovation ecosystems.



2. What Are ERRIN's Aims?

- ERRIN combines knowledge transfer, joint actions and project partnerships with the aim of strengthening the research and innovation capacities of the member regions and increasing their success in EU programmes.

- ERRIN aims to influence EU policies to better address the needs of European regions. In addition, ERRIN is involved in debates with EU institutions and participates in EU consultations.

- ERRIN's members meet regularly at thematic workshops and major networking events to exchange information and knowledge about EU funding and project opportunities, to form transnational consortia and to develop joint projects.



3. Working Groups

- BioEconomy
- Blue Growth
- Design & Creativity
- Energy & Climate Change
- Health
- Innovation & Investment
- Opening Science
- Smart Cities
- Smart Specialisation
- Tourism
- Transport



4.  Make Use of ERRIN!

Saxony-Anhalt is a member of ERRIN, which means that you can:

  1. apply for your own account at  and receive important information and partner requests via the newsletter
  2. submit your own partner request
  3. take part in working group meetings and get in contact, for instance, with representatives of the EU Commission.


     For "region", please choose "Saxony-Anhalt"

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ERRIN\'s European member regions

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Last Modification: 14.03.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster