Become an evaluator!

As a reviewer, you will assess project applications, but you can also be involved in the strategic development of EU research policy.
EU has announced a call for expression of interest: EU experts.

1) Horizon 2020 and further EU funding

The EU is lokking for experts from the following fields: Food and agriculture; Environment and bio-economy; Civil security, Engineering, IT and technologies; Culture and creativity; Democracy and society.

1. First create an EU login account by clicking on "Register" in the upper right corner of the Funding and Tender Opportunities portal-> You also need the EU login account for project applications and management. Please avoid multiple registrations!

2. Register now as an expert for your subject under "Register as Expert"

-> Information is provided here inquired in the areas of "expertise", higher education, foreign language skills and publications. The more complete the profile, the more likely it is to be selected as a reviewer.

3. The EU Commission selects reviewers for calls and specific topics from the pool of experts written by email.
-> Within the profile you can also choose for which funding lines - possibly beyond Horizon 2020 - you would like to work.

2) Projects with national and transnational cooperation

The call management of transnational projects is handled via the EVAL-INCO 2.0 database. Experts from the EVAL-INCO 2.0 database support the scientific assessment of project outlines in the field of national or transnational tenders (e.g. ERA-NETs and ERA COFUND).

You can find more information and the option to register here.



Last Modification: 19.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster