Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

R&I in the Cluster 6 aims to advance knowledge, build capacities as well as develop and demonstrate innovative solutions that will accelerate the transition to: a sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources ensuring ecosystem integrity as well as sustainable development and human well-being, including food and nutrition security, in the EU and globally. R&I activities under this Cluster shall create the following interlinked, long-term impacts:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and successful adaptation of ecosystems and production systems as well as rural, coastal and urban areas to climate change 
  • Halt of biodiversity decline and restoration of ecosystems 
  • Sustainable and circular management and use of natural resources; prevention and removal of pollution; healthy soils and clean water and air for all; attractive jobs, enhanced value creation and competitiveness
  • Establishment of primary production, food and bio-based systems based on sustainability, inclusiveness, health and safety; food and nutrition security for all
  • Behavioural, socio-economic and demographic change are well understood and drive sustainability; a balanced development of vibrant rural, coastal, peri-urban and urban areas 
  • Establishment of governance models enabling sustainability


Work Programme

Topics Cluster 6

Work Programme Cluster 6



Webpage EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi)

Webpage European Commission

Mission area: Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Iinland Waters

Mission area: Mission area: Soil health and food

Partnerships Cluster 6

BMBF-Start-up funding for Horizon Europe (multiple annually cut-off dates until 2023)



contact details of the EU academic network of Saxony-Anhalt.  

Last Modification: 19.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster