Current Announcements

Support & information for researchers from Ukraine


The website ERA4Ukraine (also in Ukrainian) informs refugee scientists from Ukraine about the assistance and support offered by the European Commission, the EU member states and associated countries.

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Participation of Switzerland in Horizon Europe


For the time being, Switzerland can only participate in the first calls of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe as a non-associated third country.

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ESFRI Roadmap: New Research Infrastructures


The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has announced 11 new projects to be included on the European ESFRI Roadmap of Research Infrastructures.

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: New Factsheet


In line with the opening of the first calls, the European Commission has published a new factsheet on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The most important key figures and characteristics of the MSC actionss are presented on 4 pages.

The factsheet can be downloaded from the Commission's webseite.

If you would like to submit an application for one of the measures, please contact us. We'll gladly assist you.

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Horizon Europe: Programme Guide published


Die Europäische Kommisssion hat einen "Programme Guide" zu Horizont Europa veröffentlicht. Das Dokument dient als Informationsquelle für alle, die einen Antrag in Horizont Europa einreichen möchten. Sie finden darin auch Hintergrundinformationen zu den Grundlagen des Programms, die für eine Antragseinreichung hilfreich sein können. Außerdem werden wichtige Begriffe erläutert.

Der Programme Guide steht auf der Seite der Kommission.

If you would like to submit an application in Horizon Europe, please contact us. We'll gladly assist you.

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Last Modification: 13.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster