Dissemination and Communication

What Are the EU Requirements Regarding Dissemination and Communication Measures?

In the Application and Negotiation Phase

In the Project Phase

At the End of the Project

EU Emblem and Guidelines for Its Use



In the Application and Negotiation Phase

The dissemination activities can be part of the evaluation criteria defined in the work programme.

Usually, communication and dissemination actions are evaluated as part of  the Impact of the project. Dissemination is understood to be primarily as dissemination in a scholarly context and communication refers to the broader distribution and communication of the project.

Create a detailed dissemination and exploitation plan as well as a communication plan already during the application phase.

During the negotiation phase, you may be asked to improve and expand your activities in this field.



In the Project Phase

The EU Commission is authorized to publish information about projects.

Beneficiaries are required to provide periodic and final reports at specified times and in a form that can be published by the Commission. The reports also include information on the expected results of the project and its social impact.

The reports should be accessible to a wider public.

A working link to the project website must exist. The link will be published on the Commission website with general information on each funded project.

Beneficiaries should take measures to contact the public and representatives of the media. In doing so, the financial support received from the EU should be highlighted.



At the End of the Project

Model Grant Agreement, Article 29: Dissemination of Results - Open Access - Visibility of EU Funding

Beneficiaries must ensure that the project results are disseminated as soon as possible. If beneficiaries fail to do so, the Commission is entitled to disseminate the results.

Beneficiaries are required to provide free online access to all publications that are peer-reviewed.

If possible, research data must be made available in open repositories (see Open Research Data Pilot).

Any dissemination of project content can and must include the EU emblem (see below). The funding must be indicated as follows:

"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and grant agreement No. [Number]".

Model Grant Agreement, Article 38: Promoting the Action - Visibility of EU Funding

The beneficiaries must report to the EU Commission on the successful implementation of the "Dissemination and Exploitation Plan" and the "Communication Plan".

The Commission may use and publish non-confidential materials and information received from the beneficiaries free of charge.

The final report must be a summary of the project in a form that can be published by the Commission. The summary includes information on the results and social impact of the project.

The final report should include a plan for further dissemination of the project results in order to demonstrate the added value and positive impact of the project on the European Union. This final report should also include:

- a list of all scientific, peer-reviewed publications of the project results,
- a list of all applications for patents, trademarks, registered designs, etc.,
- a list of all usable project results and
- a report on the social impact.



EU Emblem and Guidelines for Its Use:

You must make it visible that your project is funded by the EU, using the following EU emblem and following the relevant guidelines:

EU flag:

 EU Flagge


The EU emblem can be found on the pages of the EU Commission.

The guidelines can be found here.

Further information can be found in the brochure of the EU Commission Communicating EU Research and Innovation: Guidance for Project Participants


Last Modification: 13.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster