
The implementation section in the project proposal begins with a presentation of the work plan.

The work plan contains the description of the individual work packages, the listing of delivery performances or the graphic representations of the work plan in the form of Gantt and Pert Charts. The number of work packages (WP) must be appropriate to the objectives and content of the project. Usually one work package is set up for the management of the project and one for the dissemination and exploitation of the results.

An explanation of the management structures of the project follows in the application. A transnational project requires good management to ensure successful implementation. For this reason, the organisational structure and e.g. the decision-making mechanisms must be convincingly presented.

This is followed by a description of the consortium, where e.g. the complementarity of the participants is to be shown.

The application part Implementation concludes with a description of the resources and should be in line with the budget details in the online forms. Other given tables refer to the number of planned person months and other direct costs, e.g. travel or equipment.

Source: EU Office of the BMBF

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