
Horizon 2020 Work Programme
ERA-NETs: European Research Area Networks
Horizon Prizes

Horizon 2020 Work Programme

In October 2017, the Horizon 2020 Work Programme was published by the European Commission with calls for the years 2018 to 2020. With a total budget of 30 billion Euro, the new 2018-2020 work programme offers both open and thematic funding lines for all research disciplines. Calls cover a wide range of topics, from basic research to launch activities.

Calls for 2018 to 2020 can be found in the following areas:

Bottom-up Calls:

       - ERC

The Social and Economic sciences and the Humanities are perceived as  cross-cutting under Horizon 2020. Participation opportunities for these disciplines are therefore given in all work programmes.

A compilation of calls  for all current Horizon 2020 work programmes with opportunities for participation in the social, and economic sciences and the humanities can be found here

The work programmes 2018-2020 are available online.

The calls are activated in the Participant Portal and from autumn 2018 in the new portal Fuding & Tender Opportunities. (Funding & Tender Opportunities replaces the Participant Portal step by step)


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ERA-NETs: European Research Area Networks

ERA-NETs are instruments for the coordination of research activities. The aim of ERA-NETs is to improve the co-operation of programme promoters and to coordinate research activities carried out in European Member States and Associated States at national and regional level. Instruments for this include the networking of funding activities, the mutual opening as well as the development and implementation of joint calls and programmes. International ERA-NETS, in turn, implement this in relation to cooperation with a specific partner country or region outside Europe.

The application usually includes the following:

- Cooperations must consist of at least 3 partners from 3 countries that are active in the ERA-NET.
- Joint applications are submitted by the coordinator at central European level.
- If the application is evaluated positively, each individual partner receives support from the respective national funding agency for their own part of the project within the cooperation.

A list of the current calls of ERA-NETs in which Germany participates can be found here. Filter for Germany and active networks.

The ERA-NET portal "ERA-LEARN 2020" can be found here.



Horizon Prizes

In the current research framework programme, the European Commission offers various types of prizes. As "Horizon Prizes", these are intended to stimulate innovation in certain research areas. In addition, other prices are tendered, to be awarded for instance in recognition of special achievements.

The currently advertised prices can be found here.

If you have questions about the specific programs, please contact your local contact person.


Last Modification: 13.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster