We support you in negotiating, coordinating, communicating, reporting, financial issues and much more.
The Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (replacing the Participant Portal as of 2019) is the European Commission's internet portal linking all research-related online services of the Commission. The public area of the portal provides general information such as calls for tender and related legal documents. In addition, the portal is used for the complete handling of projects from FP7 and Horizon 2020. From the application to the project conclusion, all project-related processes are carried out via this portal. For this purpose, registered members have access to a user-specific area in which project and/or organisational data can be viewed and, if necessary, edited if they have the appropriate authorisation.
Access and change rights are defined by assigning so-called "roles", which can be individually assigned on the organizational and/or project level, so that one person can take over different functions in different projects. Each user can have as many roles as necessary!
We would be happy to inform you about the functions of the individual roles as well as the registration and appointment process!
You can access the participant portal here.
You can request access to the portal here.
The online manual for using the participant portal can be found here (Horizon 2020) and here (Horizon Europe).
Here you will find information on reimbursable direct costs and reimbursable indirect costs.
Reporting requirements are described in the online manual under "Reports & Payment Requests".
In the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal, you can also find templates for reporting under Documents (--> Filter by program --> Horizon 2020 Framework Programs --> Templates and forms --> Project reporting templates).
Reports are generated online in the password-protected project area of the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
Reporting requirements are described in the online manual under "Reports & Payment Requests".
In the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal, you can also find templates for reporting under Documents.
Reports are generated online in the password-protected project area of the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
In Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, strict ethical standards must be observed, which are regulated in the grant agreement. Further information on this can be found here.
In the case of the use of genetic resources, funding recipients of research projects in the EU programme Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe are obliged to fulfil certain obligations from the EU ABS Regulation on Access and Benefit-sharing. The information is provided via the Funding and Tender Portal in the "Project Continuos Report" on the "ABS Regulation". You can find more detailed explanations here.