
The Implementation section in the project proposal starts with the presentation of the work plan.

Here, a description of the individual work packages, the list of delivery services or graphical representations of the work plan as Gantt and Pert charts are included. The number of Work Packages (WP) must be appropriate to the goals and content of the project. As a rule, a work package for the management of the project and one for the dissemination and use of the results should be set up.

The next section contains an explanation of the management structures of the project. A transnational project requires good management to ensure its successful implementation. For this reason, the organizational structure and, for instance, the decision-making mechanisms should be presented in a convincing fasion.

This is followed by a description of the consortium. Particularly the complementarity of the participants should be shown.

The Implementation section concludes with a description of resources and should be consistent with the budget information in the online forms. Other predefined tables relate to the number of planned person-months and other direct costs, e.g. travel costs or equipment.

(Source: EU Office of the BMBF)

Consortium members:

The importance of each partner for the project as a whole  has to be described (about one page). Here, the experiences of the partner and their references are to be included.

Europass CV Template

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