Brokerage Events Horizont 2020

Brokerage Events (synonym auch: Matching Events/Partnering Events) sind Veranstaltungen, bei denen die Suche nach Projektpartnern aus der Industrie oder Hochschule für ein Konsortium im Vordergrund steht. Brokerage Events werden meist sektor-, themen- oder ausschreibungsspezifisch organisiert und mit Konferenzen oder Informationsveran-staltungen gekoppelt. Veranstalter sind die EU-Kommission selbst oder Interessengruppen in Brüssel wie z.B. ERRIN (das European Regions Research and Innovation Network). Ein häufiges Format ist, dass Ausschreibungen von einem Mitarbeiter der EU-Kommission erläutert und anschließend initiale Konsortien vorgestellt werden, die noch Partner/bestimmte Expertise suchen.

Es besteht im Rahmen von Brokeraage Events also die Möglichkeit, Kontakte quer durch Europa zu knüpfen und die eigene Expertise und eigenes Interesse an EU-Forschung deutlich zu machen (Einstieg). Besonders geht es aber darum, entweder als Koordinator eine eigene Projektskizze vorzustellen und geeignete Partner zu akquirieren oder sich selber als Partner anzubieten.

Wenn Sie weitere Informationen zu den Events wünschen, wenden Sie sich an die Ansprechpersonen der jeweiligen Hochschulen.

Folgende Brokerage Events werden aktuell angeboten:

Fehrl Infrastructure Research Meeting

Field: Transport
Dates: 26-28 March 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: Fehrl

The 2019 FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting (FIRM19) will take place on 26-28th March 2019 at the BluePointCentre, Brussels.

This key event will be held in English.

Event: here / Registration: here

Technology & Business Cooperation Days on Hannover Fair

Field: Technology and Cooperation
Dates: 1-4 April 2019
Location: Hannover
Organizer: Hannover Messe Industrie

Give your company a boost with international partners for joint research projects and cross-border business and technology cooperation at the Technology & Business Cooperation Days of HANNOVER MESSE INDUSTRIE from 1st to 4th April 2019 in Hannover.

The Enterprise Europe Network Niedersachsen organizes for the 18th time the Technology & Business Cooperation Days during the HANNOVER MESSE. Present your company and your know-how to selected discussion partners and establish cross-border cooperation. Use the cooperation exchange to find business or research partners and gain an innovation advantage over your competitors. In the previous year over 600 companies and research institutions from 38 countries were represented and more than 800 bilateral cooperation talks were held.

The priorities for 2019 are in the following areas:

Industry 4.0 and Smart Factoriy solutions
Resource and Energy efficient manufacturing technologies
Sustainable Energy & Mobility
Measurement Tools.


NiedersachsenMetall Verband der Metallindustriellen Niedersachsens e.V. and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) were won as event partners. The Cooperation Exchange is also supported by numerous institutions and networks from Lower Saxony as well as international partners from the Enterprise Europe Network.

For participants who register before 15 February 2019, participation is free of charge (including admission to the fair).

Event: here /  Registration: here

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EIC und FET Infoday

Field: EIC and FET
Date: 2 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: "European Innovation Council" (EIC) "Pathfinder" and "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET)

The "European Innovation Council" (EIC) "Pathfinder" and the programme "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET) are organizing an information day on2 April 2019 in Brussels with:

- Presentation of the topics "EIC Pathfinder", "FET Open" and "FET Proactive"
- Information on the preparation and filing of an application for "FET Open" and "FET Proactive", the evaluation process and the relevant evaluation criteria
- Possibility for a very short presentation of potential applicants (maximum 5 minutes, 1-3 slides) to a novel idea for an application with the aim to identify potential partners.

Event: here /  Registration: here

fit4sec - Networking Meeting for Security Research

Field: Civil Security Research
Date: 3 April 2019
Location: Berlin
Organizer: Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW)

As part of the research project "Establishment of European Consortia for Safety Research (fit4sec)", the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW) cordially invites you to the fit4sec network meeting on 3 April 2019 from 10:30 am to 4 pm in the BDEW Main office (Reinhardtstrasse 32, 10117 Berlin) The purpose of the network meeting is to inform you about opportunities to participate in funded research projects in the area of security research for critical infrastructures and the current calls for proposals in the EU framework research programme Horizon 2020. In addition to a possible exchange on project ideas, the meeting will also serve for networking between KRITIS operators, research institutions and industrial companies as well as the formation of research alliances.

The project fit4sec is funded by the German Federal Ministery for Education and Researach. It supports German users, industry and research institutions in the formation of demand-oriented research alliances.

Event: here/  Registriration: soon here

Conference "Towards a Circular Agro-Food Instustry"

Field: Bio-economy
Date: 4 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: Project BIOrescue

On 4 April 2019, the project BIOrescue will host the conference "Towards a Circular Agro-Food Industry".  The aim of the conference is to discuss current developments of the European framework policy with regard to the establishment of a circular bio-economy in the food industry.

Event and Registration: here

Interregional Cooperation Forum "Europe, Let's Cooperate" 10.4.19

Field: Interregional Cooperation
Date: 10 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: Interreg Europe

The fifth edition of 'Europe, let's cooperate!' interregional cooperation forum is approaching. We are very much looking forward to welcoming participants from all across Europe to Brussels on 10 April 2019.

More than 400 people have already registered to share ideas, experiences and inspiration and to discuss the results, impact and future of interregional cooperation. Among them, there are policymakers, practitioners, project partners, experts, regional authorities, and much more... the list is long and interesting conversations are guaranteed! Would you like to be part of #europecooperates too? Join us - in Brussels or online - the registration is still open!

Event: here / Registration: here

Coordinators' Day

Field: EU Research Projects
Date: 11 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: EU Commission

On 11 April 2019, the European Commission organizes a one-day event in Brussels for coordinators of existing EU projects from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Topics are among others Grant Amendments and Reports. For participation, registration by  8 April 2019 is mandatory. The eventu can also be followed by webstreaming; for which no registration is required.

Event: here /  Registration: here

Information Day Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking BBi JU

Field: Bioeconomy
Date: 12 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI JU

The Bio-based Industry Joint Undertaking BBI JU organizes the sixth information day for the new work programme on 12 April 2019 in Brussels, at which around 600 participants are expected. In recent years, the information day was also used as a brokerage event to form new networks.

Event: here /  Registration: soon here

EU LIFE Information Day

Field: LIFE
Date: 30 April 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: EU Commission

The European Commission is organizing an information and networking day for the LIFE 2019 Call for Proposals.

The event is open to potential applicants who submit project proposals on green technologies, nature conservation and climate change.

Participants will be invited in the morning to an information session on the LIFE call 2019, which will discuss key changes to the program compared to previous years.

The afternoon will be dedicated to networking with other participants in order to exchange experiences, meet with potential new partners and meet representatives of the European Commission for the LIFE program.

Main topics:

- Environmental technologies and solutions, including water, waste, air quality, soil, forests, health
- Adaptation to climate change
- Climate protection
- Conservation and Biodiversity
- Climate and Environmental Governance and Information Initiatives

Event: here / Registration: here

CORNET Innovation Day for SMEs

Field: Innovation
Date: 9 May 2019
Loction: Berlin
Organizer: CORNET and IraSME

CORNET and its partner network IraSME will be again hosts of the “International Area” at the Innovation Day for SMEs a traditional open-air fair where successfully funded innovation projects are being presented very vividly. The event is annually hosted by the BMWi on the garden grounds of the AiF Projekt GmbH in Berlin-Pankow.

Event: here

Diallogue Event "Research on Migration and Integration"

Field: Society
Date: 9 May 2019
Location: Bonn
Organizer: National Contact Point Society

Which research projects on migration and integration exist at European level? How can the dialogue between science and society and the transfer of research results in this area be supported in a more targeted manner? In order to answer these questions, the National Contact Point on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) organizes the dialogue event "Research on Migration and Integration from Science to Society" on 9 May 2019 in Bonn. The aim of the event is to present current research projects in the field of migration and integration and to foster dialogue with potential practitioners and users of the project results from politics, administration, business and civil society. The focus is on EU projects with German partners, which are funded under the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020, but also on BMBF-funded projects on "Migration and Societal Change" as well as projects from the funding focus "Flight and Migration" of the Ministry for Culture and Science NRW. Registration for the event is possible until 26 April 2019.

Event: here /  Registration: here

Expert Workshop "Digital Health"

Field: Digital Health
Date: 14 May 2019
Location: Bonn
Organizer: National Contact Point Health

The National Contact Point (NCP) Health in the NCP Life Sciences is conducting an expert workshop on "Digital Health Funding Opportunities in the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2)" on 14 May 2019 in Bonn. The goal is an interactive exchange about the planned tender topics with IMI2 industry experts. The following topics in the field of "Digital Health" are planned for the upcoming IMI2  calls:

- Digital transformation of clinical endpoints, e.g. in pain
- Health outcomes research & multi-modal data access platforms
- Digital therapeutics
- Digital pathology
- Digital technology in product information.

Furthermore, we also present topics from the upcoming work programme of the Horizon 2020 programme area "Health" with reference to "Digital Health". If you would like to attend the expert workshop, please register by May 7, 2019.

Event and registration: here

Conference on the European Research Area

Field: European Research Area
Date: 14 May 2019
Location: Berlin
Organizer: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is hosting a national conference on the European Research Area on 14 May 2019 in Berlin. The conference will be opened by Federal Minister Anja Karliczek, who also honors the winners of the new Ralf Dahrendorf Prize for the European Research Area. In the run-up to the elections to the European Parliament, the meaning and achievements of the common European Research Area for the European Union are thus illuminated. At the same time, the event aims to stimulate future development in European research and innovation policy.

Further information: coming soon

BioCatPolymers Workshop

Field: Bio-Economy
Date: 15 May 2019
Location: Delft, Netherlands
Organizer: BioCatPolymers

The workshop "Efficient and Sustainable Production of High Added Value Bio-Chemicals via Biotechnological and Chemocatalytic Routes" organized by the BioCatPolymers Horizon 2020 project will take place on 15 May 2019 in Delft, The Netherlands. The workshop will offer scientists, industry and policy stakeholders the opportunity to discuss the benefits of bio-based high-value-added platform chemistry production.

The workshop program includes presentations by biochemical industry players and stakeholders in European projects working on innovative biocatalytic and chemocatalytic process concepts.

Event: here /  Registration: here

EIT Raw Materials Summit 2019 20.-22.5.19

Field: Raw Materials
Date: 20-22 May 2019
Location: Berlin
Organizer: EIT Raw Materials

The event, organized by the EIT Raw Materials, brings together experts from around the world to network with each other to promote the exchange of raw materials in Europe under the motto "Connecting Innovation in the Raw Material Sector".

In addition to keynote lectures, there are parallel sessions on the following topics:

- RESOURCES: Discovery and Beyond: Resources assessment and availability, innovative exploration technologies
- DEEP, INTELLIGENT MINING: Mining under extreme conditions, deep-sea mining, new technologies for mining
- MINERALS PROCESSING AND MATERIALS RECYCLING: Increasing resource, energy and water efficiency during raw materials beneficiation
- ADVANCED MATERIALS - ENABLERS FOR DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION: Lightweight design, additive manufacturing, design of new alloys
MATERIALS FOR FUTURE MOBILITY: Challenges for raw materials and new materials for future mobility, including batteries and magnets
- RESOURCE EFFICIENCY CITIES: Urban and landfill mining, materials flow analysis, circular economy

The event is chargeable.

Event: here /  Registration: here

Plant Based Summit

Field: Biotechnology
Dates: 22-24 May 2019
Location: Lyon, France
Organizer: Chimie Vegetal, Infopro, IAR

The Plant Based Summit, The Biobased Solutions International conference and business meetings will take place on 22-24 May 2019 at the Cité de Congrès, in Lyon (France).

2019 FOCUS: The Markets of Biobased Solutions

The focus of the 2019 conference is to stimulate biobased products development through a market driven approach. The conference program intends to demonstrate how a higher uptake of biobased solutions in everyday-life products will benefit to consumers and meet their expectations. Your application should therefore highlight the added value and benefits that your products and services bring to the value chain and in particular to the consumers.

In 2019, the following key biobased markets will be particularly emphasized:

Home care, detergence
Personal care, cosmetics
Leisure (toys, sport equipment, gardening)
Paints, coatings, inks and solvents
Construction (insulation, )
Plastics and materials

Automotive, boats, railways, aviation
Decorative furnishing
Water treatment
Fashion, textile

Submit your papers until November 21!

Contributions will be selected based on excellence and their effort to benefit consumers as well. Around 60 presentations will be selected from the Call for papers by the advisory board to join more than 100 high level speakers!

Event: here / CfP: here

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Conference "Cities as Germ Cells of the Energy Transition in Europe"

Field: Energy
Date: 22 May 2019
Location: Berlin
Organizer: National Contact Point Energy

Cities and municipalities are the cornerstones of the energy transition. The realization of European energy and climate goals depends on the development of municipal potentials. Therefore, it is the stated goal at European level to raise this potential. With its Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, the European Commission is actively promoting innovative solutions for implementing the energy transition.

In brief keynote speeches, representatives of the German  Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the European Commission will give an insight into the European energy strategy and funding opportunities under Horizon 2020 with a view to the successor programme under the working title Horizon Europe. Experienced applicants from the municipal sector report on their experiences with EU projects.

As part of an interactive panel discussion, you can address your questions directly to expert representatives from politics, science and industry and discuss successful European project funding with successful applicants. Let us convince you of the advantages of promoting Horizon 2020 in the municipal sector and visit us at the Berlin Energy Days.

Event: here / Registratrion: here

JPI Urban Europe "Urban Future Conference"

Field: Urban Planning
Dates: 22-24 May 2019
Location: Oslo, Norway
Organizer: JPI Urban Europe

In 2019, JPI Urban Europe is an academic partner in Europe's largest event, which is about how cities can be made more sustainable. With more than 50 sessions on

- urban mobility,
- built environment,
- green business, innovation and leadership

as well as numerous excursions in and around Oslo, this is one of the outstanding events of the theme year Oslo European Green Capital 2019.

The event is chargeable.

Event: here/  Registration: here

Project Fair: European Is Beautiful

Field: Creative Europe
Dates: 4-5 June 2019
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Organizer: European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

The European Network of Cultural Centers (ENCC) invites to the "Project Fair: European is Beautiful" on 4 and 5 June 2019 in Lisbon, where everything revolves around the two EU funding programmes CREATIVE EUROPE CULTURE and ERASMUS+. Prospective applicants, experienced promoters, consultants and interested people meet for further education, exchange and networking. In addition, the "ENCC Incubator Project" will award five places to Lead Partners of European Cooperation Projects, who will then have the opportunity to attend two more days of workshops with external consultants and experts following the Project Fair. Registration for the fair and the application to participate in the "ENCC Incubator Project" will be opened in January.

Event: here /  Registration: soon here

ITS European Congress 2019

Field: Smart Mobility and Digitalisation
Dates: 3-6 June 2019
Location: Helmond and Eindhoven, Netherlands, Brainport region
Organizer: ITS Europe

The Brainport region forms part of Europe’s technological backbone and enjoys global recognition as a centre for innovation and automotive solutions.

With the theme of this Congress, “Fulfilling ITS promises”, they want to show what ITS can do and how they can reach forward to fully exploit the potential of smart mobility in modern day Europe.

Call for Contributions now open!

Do you want to get involved by organising a session, presenting or differently? Please have a look at the Call for Contributions for further details on how to be part of the ITS European Congress 2019 in Brainport.

Event: here / Registration: soon here

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10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Region

Field: Trends and Chancen of the Baltic Region
Dates: 12-13 June 2019
Location: Gdansk, Poland
Organizer: Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC)

The international "10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region" will be held from 12-13 May. June 2019 in Gdansk, Poland. Around 800 participants - public authorities of the EU member states, NGOs, universities and companies - will use this event to discuss current trends and opportunities in the Baltic Sea region. The event is organized by the "Pomorskie Region" in cooperation with the Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC), in cooperation with the European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland and other partners.

The main topic of the event will be "Circular and Sharing Economy as an Answer to Demographic Changes and Environmental Challenges in the Baltic Sea".

Event: here


Field: Nanotecbnologies
Dates: 12-14 June
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Organizer: EuroNanoForum

EuroNanoForum 2019 is the EU’s largest networking conference focusing on nanotechnologies and advanced materials science, innovation and business.

It is open to the scientific community, representatives from industry, research and innovation, and policy makers. EuroNanoForum will offer excellent opportunities to debate on cutting-edge research and successful industrial implementation in the field.

Event: here / Registration: here

EU Sustainable Energy Week

Field: Energy
Dates: 17-21 June 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: EU Commission

Since 2006, the two-month EUSEW has been moving policy-makers and citizens throughout Europe to promote activities for a safe, clean and efficient energy landscape.

The highlight of EUSEW is the conference in Brussels. To this end, actors are invited to organize sessions, to compete against each other in the context of awards and to meet in the so-called Networking Village.

In 2019, 60 sessions will provide a contribution to the topic of "Shaping Europe's Energy Future". If you want to participate actively, you can apply until 28 January 2019.

Further opportunities for active participation in EUSEW will be announced soon.

A call for the EUSEW Awards, which recognizes outstanding innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energy, will be published in December 2018.

In May and June 2019, local Energy Days will also take place across Europe.

Event: here /  Apply for a Session: here

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Conference "Diverse Securities"

Field: Safe Societies
Dates: 27-28 June 2019
Location: Berlin
Organizer: Fachdialog Sicherheitsforschung

Security perceptions are just as diverse today as the actors, measures and technologies for producing and maintaining security. This year's Security Dialogue conference addresses the complexity and contradictions of security in today's society. It will take place on 27 and 28 June 2019 in the Harnack-Haus in Berlin-Dahlem under the title "Diverse Securities - Social Dimensions of Security Research". The event picks up on future-oriented issues related to civil security and makes references to the framework programme of the German Federal Government. The expert public in the field of civil security research is invited.

The conference will focus on three areas: The first session "Designing and Controlling Diversified Securities" will address, among other topics. the importance of federal structures and the advancing digitization. The second session, entitled "Structures of Vulnerability," deals with specific security-related phenomena and spaces, such as station districts and urban neighborhoods. The third session "Forces: Challenges, Resources, Reflections" is dedicated to emergency services as well as authorities and organizations with security tasks, taking a new look at their relationship to the population.

Event: here /  Registration: here

Brokerage Event NCP-Netzwork BioHorizon

Field: Bioeconomy and biotechnology
Date: 3 July 2019
Location: Brusssels, Belgium
Organizer: NCP-Network BioHorizon

On 3 July 2019, BioHorizon, the European Network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 2 (Bioeconomy) and Key Technology Biotechnology (KET Biotech), organizes a full-day brokerage event in Brussels. The event is aimed at everyone who iintends to participate in projects in the Horizon 2020 programme sections "Bioeconomy" or "Biotechnology". The aim of the event is to prepare for future cooperation between relevant partners and all interested parties with a view to the upcoming calls  in 2020.

Event: here /  Registration: soon

Information Day Societal Challenges 2

Field: Societal Challenges 2
Date: 4 July 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organizer: EU Commission

The European Commission is hosting an Horizon 2020 information day themed "Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy". Representatives of the European Commission will present the calls for proposals in 2020 in the field of bio-economy.

The free event is aimed at potential applicants. Registration will be possible from May 2019 on the event website of the EU Commission.

Event: here /  Registration: soon here

Konferenz "European Bioeconomy Scene 2019"

Field: Bio-economy
Dates: 8-10 July 2019
Ort: Helsinki, Finland
Organizer:  Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and EU Commission

The Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the European Commission are organizing  the "European Bioeconomy Scene 2019" conference from 8 to 10 July 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. This conference will take place under the Finnish Presidency of the European Union and will bring together actors from science, politics, business and civil society to exchange knowledge, coordinate activities and discuss new actions.

Event: here / Registration: here

Brokerage Event NCP-Netzwork BioHorizon

Field: Bioeconomy and biotechnology
Date: 3 July 2019
Location: Brusssels, Belgium
Organizer: NCP-Network BioHorizon

On 3 July 2019, BioHorizon, the European Network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 2 (Bioeconomy) and Key Technology Biotechnology (KET Biotech), organizes a full-day brokerage event in Brussels. The event is aimed at everyone who iintends to participate in projects in the Horizon 2020 programme sections "Bioeconomy" or "Biotechnology". The aim of the event is to prepare for future cooperation between relevant partners and all interested parties with a view to the upcoming calls  in 2020.

Event: here /  Registration: soon

Last Modification: 07.10.2019 - Contact Person: Webmaster