Grant Agreement for Horizon 2020

In the Grant Agreement (GA), the implementation of the research project is contractually regulated. Both international and national laws of the respective country (and possibly also of the country in which the project is carried out) must be observed. The stipulations in the Grant Agreement guarantee that general EU policies are implemented or adhered to within the framework of the project (adherence to charter and code when hiring staff; equality; ethical principles; strategy on intellectual property).

The Grant Agreement comprises the following elements:

  • Core agreement:


  • Annexes:



In Horizon 2020 there is an overarching General Model Grant Agreement, from which the model grant agreements for the different funding programmes (ERC, MSCA, SME instrument, Contractual Partnerships, pre-competitive procurement, etc.) are derived (see side box "Model Grant Agreements").
In addition, the Grant Agreement is adapted to the specific project conditions by incorporating certain options, depending on the call for proposals and the funding instrument.

The General Model Grant Agreement is available on the portal of the European Commission with comments explaining the individual paragraphs:
Annotated Model Grant Agreement (Version 5.1 6.12.2018)

Last Modification: 13.02.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster