Partnership Search Databases
General partnership search for Horizon Europe
Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (all topics)
Requests can also be posted directly under each topic in the F&T Portal
Previous project coordinators and -partners on CORDIS
ERRIN: Network for the cooperation of european regions
SME (Small and Medium Entreprises) - Industry (Service by EEN Saxony-Anhalt)
ResearchGate: Social network where you can set up a personal scientific profile or find other scientists.
You can also contact the Representation of Saxony-Anhalt in Brussels, which will be happy to pass on your partner request and provide helpful support in the search for a partner.
Topic related partner search for current calls:
Ideal-ist - Network for information and communication technology
ICPerMed (Personalised medicine)
Partner search for Calls (Material- and batteries research)
Partner search BBI JU (Bio-based Industry)
Innovative Medicine Initiative (Medizine)